Gun Control

There have been a lot of arguments about whether if guns cause an increase in murders or if they are a good source of protection. According to the book More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control written by John R. Lott, “While concealed-handgun laws raise the risk of committing murders with guns, murderers may also find it relatively more dangerous…” (Lott 100). Lott is trying to say that even though the law about concealed handguns may increase murders, it can still protect people who happen to be the victims. There are arguments towards Lott’s book however. Zimiring and Hawkins’ argument The Impact of Right to Carry Laws and the NRC Report: The Latest Lessons for the Empirical Evolution of Law it is said that gang related activity; drugs, robberies and other crime related scenarios are still going to be present, therefore increasing violent crimes. The argument discusses the fact people who are involved in crime related activities know that people may have a concealed weapon, but that will not stop them from pulling another type of crime, like breaking into houses when people are not home.

As early as the 1500’s gun control was always the main topic in conversations. As the years started to go more into the modern day world, talk about gun control started to be brought up more in conversations due to the amount of terrorism. In news broad castings there were more stories about gun involving incidents, then there were other stories. The question in the world today is, if people who have permits to carry a gun, can carry it anywhere they want to. Everyone deserves to feel safe, but others do not see it like that.


Worldwide guns themselves have been known to be the enemy, but what some people do not see in greater depth is who the real enemy is. The main cause for gun related situations is the people who are holding the gun. If people were not allowed to carry a concealed weapon, even though they have a permit, what would they do in order to keep themselves safe?


A number of Americans have received concealed weapon permits in order to be safe out in the world, due to the amount of violence that goes on around America. In Frantz Fanon’s book, The Wretched of the Earth it says, “The intellectual who, for his part… is prepared to fight so that colonist and colonized can live in peace in a new world” (Fanon 9). Anyone is prepared to fight for the safety of themselves. In the Second Amendment of The Constitution of the United States of America it says that everyone has the right to bear arms, meaning that everyone in America has the right to keep them and their families safe. The NRA, National Rifle Association, is an association who has their own website and has strong beliefs that gun control is in fact not a necessary thing. According to an article written by, the president of the NRA Pete R. Brownell, Second Amendment Belongs to All Americans Regardless of Race Creed and Gender it states, “The freedom secured by the Second Amendment cannot be put asunder by any conceivable element of discrimination—not by color, race, age, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political ideology or national origin”. Brownell is saying that every American is protected under the Second Amendment, no matter what they look like, and that no one shall reject them when they are trying to not only protect themselves and their families, but other civilians. Some people need to realize that owning a concealed weapon can be a positive thing.


This is a very controversial topic and still has not yet been determined if one side is greater than the other. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, some will agree that carrying a concealed weapon is good, and others will disagree.



Brownell, Pete R.. “Presidents Column| Second Amendment Belongs to All Americans, Regardless of Race, Creed or Gender”. National Rifle Association. 27 July 2017. Media.

Donohue, John J. and Aneja, Abhay and Zhang, Alexandria, “The Impact of Right to Carry Laws and the NRC Report: The Latest Lessons for the Empirical Evaluation of Law and Policy”. 27 July 2012. Stanford Law and Economics Olin Working Paper No. 430.

Fanon, Frantz.” The Wretched of the Earth”. Grove Press. 1961. Print.

Lott, John R.. “More Guns Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control”. University of Chicago Press. 1998. Print.

Author: worldssociety

This is for my Interdisciplinary Studies Class

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